Gold Caps 25mg capsules x 5
GoldCap softgels contain only ultra-pure natural cannabinoids and grape seed oil. You can see there is no powdered marijuana, hashish, kif or hash oil. Also, no molds, pesticides, solvents, bacteria, toxins or other contaminants. That’s why GoldCaps are safe even for patients with suppressed immune systems.
What you do get is the full spectrum of natural cannabinoids — including THC, CBD, CBC and CBG.
Just as important, GoldCaps provide clinically precise, metered 25mg dosages thanks to analytical-laboratory testing and professional softgel manufacturing equipment. So you can count on the same effect from every GoldCap softgel for consistent relief every time.
Onset takes an hour or so. The beneficial effects last for many hours. We suggest a single pill per dose.
Available in bottles of five 25mg or eight 10mg softgels.